Maxani Animal Healthcare BV
Our mission
Maxani Animal Healthcare BV started as a sole proprietorship in 2012. Through conversations with veterinarians and veterinary dermatologists, it became clear that a change was underway for treating skin problems. However, there was not yet a company with a broad offering for the veterinary dermatology plan. Armed with considerable knowledge of pharmaceutical raw materials and knowledge of small-scale production of human (mostly topical) products, the first solutions were devised together with the KOLs.
Now it is impossible to imagine veterinary practices without Maxani. The wide range for skin and wound care with balanced, modern products has established a solid market position.
Our passion: the (dermatological) health of the animal
By also treating skin problems with a topical plan, the use of systemic drugs and antibiotic- and corticosteroid-containing skin ointments can be greatly reduced. Many of our products contain a high concentration of ceramides and essential fatty acids, restoring the skin barrier. A healthy skin barrier keeps extra moisture from evaporating and prevents allergens and toxins from penetrating the skin.
We invent and develop new products based on demand from veterinarians and/or veterinary dermatologists, always with our passion in mind and heart. A very important goal of ours is to reduce unnecessary antibiotic use in order to combat antibiotic resistance.
The exception to the dermatological focus is that Maxani supervises sales for the Masivet product. Read here more about Masivet. Please note! This page can only be accessed with an account. Do you not yet have an account and belong to a veterinary practice or are you a veterinary specialist? Create here create an account or log in.
Team Maxani
Miriam Wind
Owner and resource expert
After years of experience in international human compounding, I started Maxani in 2012. I started as a self-employed person representing Masivet to veterinarians. A visit to a veterinary dermatologist revealed that there was still much to be gained in the field of dermatology and that was exactly where my knowledge was. At that time, antibiotic cream was still widely used for hot spots and wounds, while good alternatives were possible. That was a trigger for me to improve the world by bringing these alternatives to the market so that less antibiotics are needed. From discussions with veterinarians and veterinary dermatologists and my knowledge of raw materials, the Maxani dermatological concept was born.
Jenny Middelkoop
Animal scientist and Product development
From an early age I have been fascinated with nature, biology and animals. After studying Applied Biology, I continued my studies towards animals as an animal scientist at Wageningen University . Through a very nice research during my studies, my interest in dermatology was born. After some nice trips and some work experience, I started working at Maxani since September 2017 with great pleasure and enthusiasm. Within Maxani, I am responsible for advising clients, where delivering quality is key. I am therefore often on the road and visiting different practices on a daily basis.
Merel van Wanrooij
Born on the farm with a big heart for veterinary medicine. After nine years of working at various clinics as a paraveterinarian, I have found a wonderful challenge at Maxani. My interest in dermatology has always been great and I look forward to further advising your practice in this area.
Binnen Maxani ben ik verantwoordelijk voor verschillende zaken achter de schermen met betrekking tot diverse projecten. Van productontwikkeling tot nascholing draag ik op diverse vlakken een steentje bij.
Ingrid Popken
Account Manager
Since childhood, animals have played an important role in my life. Because of this, my passion for the veterinary profession was born. After my training as a paraveterinarian, I worked in practice for seventeen years. In this I gained a lot of practical experience including in pharmacy management. With all this experience it is now great fun to transfer this knowledge.
Since January 2022, I have been working at Maxani as an account manager for the Northern Netherlands.
With my enthusiasm for Maxani's beautiful product line, my goal is to bring dermatology more to the forefront within clinics. Good support and connection with the practice is very important in this and I like to play a role in this. I would love to get in touch with you to look at an effective collaboration.
Marieke van Tol
Account Manager
From a young age I have always had a great love for animals. I can therefore be found daily with my horse together with my dog. This passion for animals created my interest in the veterinary world.
After obtaining my paraveterinary degree, I worked in a practice as a paraveterinarian for several years, where I gained valuable experience in the veterinary field.
In 2023, my adventure at Maxani began as an account manager in the Western Netherlands region. Every day, I enthusiastically visit various veterinary practices to share information. I do this through personal conversations and presentations about Maxani's extensive product line.
In addition to visiting the clinics, you can always contact me for questions.
Emmy Cornelissen
Account manager south region
Sinds maart 2024 ben ik met veel plezier werkzaam als accountmanager voor regio Zuid-Nederland en België bij Maxani. Mijn achtergrond ligt oorspronkelijk in de paraveterinaire sector, waar ik ruim vijf jaar heb gewerkt na het afronden van mijn opleiding.
Naast mijn werk als paraveterinair heb ik ook ervaring opgedaan als communicatieadviseur. Deze combinatie van werkervaringen stelt mij in staat om niet alleen diepgaande, inhoudelijke adviezen te geven, maar ook om sterk te communiceren en klanten te begeleiden in het vinden van de beste oplossing. Of het nu gaat om een vraag over producten of het gezamenlijk zoeken naar de juiste aanpak, mijn deur staat altijd open.
Ik kijk ernaar uit om samen te werken aan oplossingen die het verschil maken!
Thijs van Dorresteijn
Logistics Manager