To be used for mild middle toe infections, an inflamed cuticle, severed or broken nails, mild irritations of the soles and paws. For inflammation, for example due to a grass cataract, the bubble balls can help by soaking and cleansing the paw in addition to any medication. The caring Paw Bombs are an excellent substitute for soda or Biotex baths.
The purifying action of Dead Sea salt relieves skin irritation and rashes. In addition, the salt also stimulates blood circulation, allowing more nutrients and oxygen to be absorbed by the skin.
The sodium bicarbonate breaks down proteins, washing away bacteria and preventing new bacteria from having a chance to attach. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that strengthens the skin barrier and protects against skin damage. The skin's moisture balance is maintained by the added soybean oil.
Dissolve 1 ball in 1 to 2 liters of lukewarm water. Soak the paw in the bath for 5 to 10 minutes once or twice a day. Then pat dry with a clean towel. The Paw Bombs may be used as often as needed.