Red, scaly and irritated skin. Atopic dermatitis and other allergy-related skin complaints without secondary infections. Also suitable for dry to very dry skin.
Oatmeal, allantoin, calendula, chamomile and honey soothe itchy skin. Zinc pyrithione ensures good skin flora. SK-influx®, consisting of fatty acids, ceramides, cholesterol and phytosphingosine, restores the skin barrier. Hyaluronic acid promotes elasticity and moisture of the skin. Contains no perfume.
Usage depends on the condition, severity of the complaint and purpose of treatment. Wash 2 to 3 times a week for at least 2 weeks. If necessary, daily. As maintenance, wash 2 to 4 times a month. Leave the shampoo on for 5-10 minutes for better results. Wash 2 times per wash. Dilute 1:10 the first time for cleansing effect and dilute little the second time to no more than 1:5 or use undiluted.